As usual, I’ve been spending my evenings totally lost in #bridaltiktok and lately my greatest obsession has been endlessly scrolling what might be my all-time favorite trend: #nontraditionalweddingideas. 👏🏼
Whether it’s tips and tricks, or do’s and don’ts, from already-married couples sharing what they did at their own wedding (and how it turned out!) or sneak peaks from the soon-to-be-married duos who are bringing us along on their #weddingplanning journey… The wealth of unique and creative ideas is amazing! Couples are thinking of literally everything, adding modern-twists to age-old traditions or completely breaking through barriers to dream-up new and never-before-seen wedding ideas all together!
Here are some of my personal favorites that I’ve come across. Feel free to join in on the conversation and let us know what ideas you’re loving right now, or if you’re a #2024bride or #2025bride, which ones are you planning on using!?
The “Grand” Flower Girl
One heartwarming idea that caught my attention was from a bride-to-be who shared the beautiful idea of reimagining the traditional “flower girl”, at an adults-only wedding by inviting the couple’s grandmothers to do the honors! I love the thought of the grandmas being so involved in the day-of festivities! I feel like so many people (myself included) have such a special relationship with their grandparents, but in traditional wedding ceremonies there isn’t really a dedicated moment to celebrate that relationship. This is the cutest and such a unique idea to honor that special bond!💐
All Eyes On Us
An idea that seems to be getting a ton of attention right now is a bit of a departure from what we’re “used to” seeing when we look down the aisle, but ensures that the couple, and the couple alone, take center stage at their ceremony. Apparently, the tradition behind the bridesmaids and groomsmen standing throughout the entire ceremony is symbolic of their support to the couple. But, do we ever stop to think that they might have the worst view of the entire audience!? More and more we’re seeing couples invite their parties to sit throughout the ceremony, giving the bridesmaids and groomsmen a better view and time to rest… And, to be honest, giving the couple an even better photo-opp! If prioritizing the picture-perfect moment is extra important to you, consider asking the officiant to stand to the side using a microphone, so it really is just you two up front! 📸
DIY Desserts
With the soaring cost of wedding cakes and the growing outspoken acknowledgement that the couples don’t really get to enjoy it anyways, many couples are reimagining how they “do” desserts. Instead of splurging on costly confectionar’s sugar, couples are and opting for a more personal touch with a homemade wedding cake! Whether it’s a fun activity with the bridal party, or an intimate and romantic moment shared between partners before the ceremony, there is something undeniably “sweet” about turning this once stressful and not-so-exciting expense into an adorable and anticipated memory together!🍰
So, whether you’re the sentimental, star-studded, or hands-on type of bride-to-be, there is definitely no shortage of non-traditional wedding ideas to explore. After all, weddings are about celebrating love and individuality, so why not make yours truly unforgettable?!🤍